Translation queries

I get several emails a day–on a good day! sometimes it’s more than several–that have this subject line: translation queries about some aspect of the software that it’s my job to get localized.  When I travel to various countries to meet with my translators, I have translation queries of my own: how do I order […]

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You know the dust has blown in from China when:

The morning dawns bright and clear except for the clear part, not so much. This was the view from my hotel room yesterday. By lunchtime your contacts feel like they’ve been in for sixteen hours. You blow your nose and get black gunk. Mind you, you don’t do this in public in Asia–they don’t mind […]

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Breakfast potluck

Sometimes Dad hits the nail on the head. From his weekend email report today: “I just finished wading through the email that had accumulated over the weekend, including a whole bunch of spam and some of those sickening sweet inspirational things that would probably make Jesus puke.” He went on to talk about shooting pistols […]

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Size matters

Americans seem to think everything needs to be bigger to be better. Japanese go off the other deep end. I already knew this, as do most people who have any curiosity at all about Japan, but still I found cause for astonishment. I arrived at Narita Airport early Wednesday afternoon and, after some frustration trying […]

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