As threatened in earlier posts about the collapse of the MacArthur Maze, I did indeed get back into the motorcycling game, so here is an overdue picture of the new baby, a 2002 Honda VFR 800FIA. Candy was reluctant to pose with me, perhaps miffed that we can’t seem to find her a helmet that […]
The kitty-bjorn takes a new form, and my newest boss gives me my marching orders.
Syltetøy, the young Siamese kitten we adopted in July, refuses to be intimidated by Candy, our ten-year-old black lab. In fact, they seem to be good friends. The other night, V and I were on the couch with Candy and Gjetost. Syltetøy wandered up, and I invited her to join us. She hopped up into […]
We made that mistake, too, and here’s the first installment of pictures and a heap of words to document the drama. We’ve been wanting to get rid of the beaten-to-crap, never-was-very-good-in-the-first-place carpeting in our house for a long time, and this summer we finally decided to do it. We got quotes for putting in more […]
It makes me completely nuts to hear fireworks going off around here, living as we do in a neighborhood whose entrances are all prominently marked “CAUTION: FIRE DANGER ZONE. FIRE DANGER TODAY IS !” What are people thinking?!?! It was only 15 years ago that hundreds of houses burned and a bunch of people died […]
Just your basic girl meets girl, girl falls in love with girl, girl edges out guy, girl meets new girl, girl falls in love with girl, girl edges out guy, girl dumps girl, girl marries girl opera. With great music. For four hours.
This printer has been going by the name “Norton’s Napzone” for as long as I’ve owned it, but the new kitty seems to have claimed it as hers. I might have to rename it “Syltetøy’s Bathzone.” The new kitty arrived on Thursday. She is a 10 month old sealpoint Siamese, and her full name is […]
Here’s something that never happens: the California Dept of Transportation has been working faster than Google! 😉 Traffic has been flowing through the rebuilt sections of the MacArthur Maze for a couple weeks now, but Google Traffic still shows traffic from the Bay Bridge to the East Bay detouring through West Grand Ave: Google Traffic […]
It’s been a busy month for travel. I was on the east coast at my employer’s headquarters for a week, then in North Dakota for a friend’s graduation from medical school for a long weekend, then home for five whole days, then back east for another week at headquarters last week. I’m home again for […]
So far the evening commute has also been decent; apparently many people took advantage of free mass transit today. However, the news outlets are all predicting that by the end of the week, many drivers will have resumed commuting by nearly-empty car. Earlier I posted an anxious musing on the situation. A more optimistic possibility […]