A possibility showing more optimism

So far the evening commute has also been decent; apparently many people took advantage of free mass transit today. However, the news outlets are all predicting that by the end of the week, many drivers will have resumed commuting by nearly-empty car. Earlier I posted an anxious musing on the situation. A more optimistic possibility […]

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Bay Area freeway collapse

You’ve all probably read or heard by now about the Bay Area freeway collapse–early Sunday morning, a gasoline tanker speeding through the MacArthur Maze in the East Bay flipped over and exploded into flames. The driver escaped with 2nd degree burns, but heat from the fireball melted steel girders and collapsed a double-decker section of […]

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The body, the blood, and the peanut butter

Victoria gets credit for today’s title–her reply to my response to this scientific proof that science has been lying to us about the source of life. The logic is so convoluted, I can’t even follow how exactly he thinks he’s making a point. See for yourself: http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/50013/. Given that the science is too difficult for […]

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