A bit of wisdom from one of my favorite blogs, “The Comics Curmudgeon”: …here’s a lesson for you childless types that I learned the hard way yesterday: if someone tells you an adorable anecdote about their toddler, and you counter with a very similar anecdote about your pet, the parent will not be pleased. Take […]
I accidentally developed a recipe for grey Cosmopolitans, which I’ve named in honor of my grey cat, Norton, and San Francisco (home of the original Cosmopolitan cocktail)’s folk hero (see more on him here): Shake over ice: One part fresh-squeezed lime juice Four parts tangerine-zest-infused vodka (make this yourself by dumping a bunch of tangerine […]
Last October, I bought a piano. Attentive visitors to our house might have observed that certain of my dining room chairs and the underside of the dining room tablehave markings suspiciously similar in shape and size to the dentition of my beloved cat, Gjetost. Those of you who haven’t met her yet need to know […]
Check this out–Delicious Library catalogs your entire media library. You use an iSight camera to scan bar codes, and it looks them up on Amazon et al. and fills your catalog with the details, even including cover art! I never thought I’d put a commercial in my blog, but this is almost as cool as […]
Blog mom Kimberly has tagged me with a meme. Memes, for those of you who don’t speak bloggish, are themes for blog-posts that get passed around among bloggers. Now herewith the meme: Total number of books I have owned: I cannot even begin to guess. Erma Bombeck once said that garage sales are for people […]
This is a combination of a reconstruction and a revision of the soup I made for Paul. It happened almost two months ago, so I don’t promise to be remembering everything accurately, but this should produce decent results. The goal was to make something rich, tasty, and soul-warming that would be a loose, easily-swallowed purée, […]
Blog Dad Paul’s not-so-recent entry about a visit to my house (and a priori my new and improved kitchen) was touching. I vowed immediately to post a thank-you reply on MY blog with a reconstruction of the recipe. So it’s been six weeks. In my blog, that’s almost prompt. First, we must contemplate some rules […]
Pepper! Early and often! Insert pepper in all the logical places in that chicken recipe below. I recommend freshly-ground Telicherry pepper–such as that carried by Peet’s, where you should also buy all your coffee. And as a special guilt-induced bonus link, I also recommend buying a pair of Peppergun salt and pepper mills. Fill that […]
An unbelievably touching post on Blog Dad Paul’s blog from embarrassingly long ago gave me an idea about the next phase of the blog, since the kitchen remodel is over and even the deck remodel is almost done: I might post the occasional recipe that emerges from the new kitchen. Paul, I owe you a […]
Here’s a fun toy courtesy of my blog Mom, Kimberly: a website that creates maps showing where you’ve been. Here are mine. create your own personalized maps