A lot of clunking and banging is a good thing

In things electrical, George seems to have most of the circuit box put back together, and Russell has temporarily reconnected the motion detector and glass break connector to the security system so we could make sure that’s all working before the walls get hidden behind sheetrock. The small rathole where the old vent duct exited […]

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Another one of those days

So Russell and George were both supposed to start around 10 and work together all day to tie up all the loose ends and get ready for rough inspection by, say, Tuesday. What really happened is that George came around shortly before 11, pulled all the spiffy new circuits into the circuit box and hooked […]

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Better than bupkes

What I thought would get accomplished today, as of 3pm: bupkes. What has actually gotten accomplished today, as of 5:40pm: Jon delivered the custom duct We chatted about various details We agreed on change orders for the extra plumbing work and three extra lights George (who still feels crappy) arrived around 4pm and started working […]

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Prodigal blog children

My blog-heros Kimberly and Paul of http://gopaul.blogspot.com fame have described me and Kimberly’s sister as their blog children, since we were both inspired to start our blogs after becoming addicted to theirs. Yesterday, as Kimberly describes in her blog, Paul accused us both of misbehaving, since neither of us have come anywhere close to adhering […]

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Bolt sister

I have no idea what that means, but it heads a list hanging from a nail in a stud in a wall-like structure in my would-be kitchen. This seems to be a “Honey Do” list from Jon of all the loose ends he wants George to tie up so he can schedule the “rough inspection,” […]

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More miscellaneous than most posts

Blog-hero Kimberly had an unwritten rule about posting to the blog every day. I say “had” because she wrote about the rule, so I don’t think we can consider it unwritten anymore. This rule sets the bar way too high for me, but tonight I’m making a valiant effort to overcompensate for past negligence. Today […]

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Cast of characters

Yes, Kimberly, Jon my contractor is Kyla’s Jon. (Kyla and Jon are both on Bufflehead, the dance team of which I’m a non-dancing, tuba-playing member.) It is nice to work with a friend, especially when that friend is a sweetheart with really good taste, and better yet, taste that is remarkably similar to my own. […]

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Fresh, hot pictures!

Kimberly and Paul are my blogging heros, and Kimberly requests pictures. Who am I to refuse my hero? The earlier entry, “A picture is worth a thousand gasps,” had pictures of the before, demolition, and early during photo albums, but to save you some scrolling, here are the links again: Before Preparing for chaos Demolition […]

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Why brassholes shouldn’t be lyricists

Jon, my contractor, is also a member of Bufflehead Northwest Morris, and I got to serenade him with a parody of “Oh Danny Boy” (aka “Londonderry Air”) this weekend. It all started at the Robert Mondavi winery, in the bathroom. Somehow that tune had found its way into my head and had become a bit […]

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Bad blogger!

Sorry it’s taken me forever to post an update. It turns out that camping in your own house takes up a certain amount of energy and time… Since last I blogged, a bunch has happened in life: I got a hideous cold, fever, sinus infection, bronchitis crud thing that I’m still fighting off. While still […]

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